Student Medical/COVID Policy

A medical report reflecting the physical examination and immunizations required by the Department of Health of New York City must be submitted by June 1, 2022. Proof of the first COVID-19 vaccination dose is required by June 1, 2022, and the second dose by June 30, 2022. Student will not be permitted to begin school until this documentation has been submitted and will not be permitted to remain enrolled in School if Student fails to comply with any additional medical or vaccination requirements hereafter implemented by any applicable government authority or by School. Parent(s)’ failure to comply with government authority or School medical and vaccination requirements, including additional requirements that may be instituted by government authorities or School at any time, or failure to submit this documentation, does not excuse Parent(s) from their full financial obligation to School, as outlined above. Student’s withdrawal, suspension or dismissal for failure to follow School vaccination or medical policy does not relieve Parent(s) of their final full obligation, as outlined above.

Parent(s) agree to keep the School informed of any and all changes to the Student’s health throughout the academic year, including initiation, termination, and changes in treatments, therapies, and medications. The School is not responsible for any medical expenses for the Student. There are inherent risks for in-person learning, regardless of the preventative measures taken by School. Student and Parent(s) are expected to adhere to all health and safety protocols, whether in effect now or adopted later, and release School from all claims, liabilities, and damages associated with COVID-19 and other health risks.